
Thursday, 18 April 2013

Extra maths

This is how many smiley faces I have got on extra maths I have got 21 smileys.

Monday, 15 April 2013

What The...?

           WHAT THE...?
One Day when Cassie was going past her house they saw something odd.She tried going to different angles so see what the thing on the power line but she did not know what it was .It was a bit hard to see what it was with all of hat fog.

After that she finally  knew what it was and it was a elephant.She said to herself’ “How did that poor creature get up there that is weird”.Next She  went home to get a big ladder and she got her friends to get a big foamy thing.

Sooner after they got the things that they needed they went to the elephant and it was crying .So they got the foamy thing and put it on the ground under the elephant and then the girl Cassie went up the ladder to untie the rope.Then the elephant fell onto the foamy thing.

The next day Cassy was walking down the road to get some bread and some Milk for her mum and then she saw the elephant running down the road so she knew that it was hungry so she went to the shop and got some dog food for it.At exacly one o ‘ clock she wet to the zoo and she said can to take this cute animal in to the zoo please and they aid yes.

So that animal was happy at the zoo with all of his friends and the girl was happy too.  


Thursday, 11 April 2013

Fast Feet


By: Lisa Fuemana-Foa’i

Main Characters:
The main characters are Esela  and he is the fastest eight year old in the hole school And solomona is his best friend that always tells him what he should do.

He is at home with his mum  and then he went  to school to do some sports

He was making his lunch at home and him mum  is helping him to make his lunch

He has lost his shoes at sports day


His came 1st  in the 8 year old boys at raceing

He was tired at went home

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

My Fia Fia Group

 Hawaiian group

Our Hawaiian group is awesome we have a lot of cool moves. The clothes that we rear are amazing we rear grass skirts, necklaces, a headpiece and little flowers  on our arms. We are creative with our clothing  that we are going to rear.

Our tutors are nice and friendly they are Miss Kirkwood, Miss ED and Miss Ouano. They are teaches at our school and they are fantastic. All three of them make sure that we get the moves perfect.I am a European girl but I am proud to be in Hawaiian.                                                                                                                   we are doing great with our moves and our cloths but do not forget about our beautiful smiles.My favirout part is when we do the dip because the beat is cool and it is fun to do . When I hop on to stage I think that we are going to do exactly how we practices I am excited for next week on Thursday we are having our 60 anniversary and we are doing FIA FIA !!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Nikki Omaru creek

The GraveYard

             The Graveyard!!!
One day there was a girl Sophie she lived next to a graveyard so she decided to go there at night time. so she kissed her mum and dad good night and went to bed.After that she went out of her window and went to the graveyard.

Sooner after she went out of her window and went out of the gate without any noise she went to the graveyard with a  sharp knife and she looked at the graveyard.BUT something bad happened she was being smart and was jumping on one of the graves. And the zombie was MAD.

Finally she stopped jumping  and the zombies came out of their graves and they were really mad so they chased after her and they were fast. Then the zombies got her and they were trying to eat her but she grabbed her knife and she was cutting them and one of them were biting Sophie so she was crying .

10 minutes after she was crying she went home and  went to bed. And then it was morning and she said oh lucky that was just a dream so she went out of bed and made her breakfast. Next her mum woke up and said why do you have bite marks on your arm and she said ahh um I was biting myself because I was scared ha and her mum said okay that is weird that you did that. So Sophie knew that that was not a dream!!!     

Thursday, 4 April 2013


My bff Cristian

     All about my BFF christian!!!

Hi My name is Nikki and I have a BFF and her name is Christian. She has a good personality which is so amazing. She is someone who will cheer up people with her smile.I am lucky to have a friend like her and if she was your friend then you will be lucky.

Christian is very smart+pretty That = perfect to me!she said to me will you like to be my friend and I said yes I will love to so that is how we became friends.When people cry she feels sad so she makes them better and that makes her better too.

Christian has nice hair it is brown with a little bit of blond.I like christian’s style of clothes and shoes.I love christian she is the best I hope and wish that we will be BFF’S forever.        

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


What I did in the Easter holidays

In the Easter holidays Me and my family went to rainbows end and it was amazing and fantastic. It was expensive but it was worth it. When we went there the line was short and then after a few minutes there was a big line to go to rainbows end.

After that we went in the doors to go to rainbow end and I was excited.The first thing I went on was the gold rush it was bumpy when we went up the hill. Next we found my dad he just came off the terrifying fear fall and he was red so we started to laugh.

After that funny moment I wanted to go again but with my dad on the ride too. he said “this is nothing the fear fall was much worse” About a minute later we went on the the floom and that was cool because I got wet a lot.My mum made me go in the front so she will not get wet.

My mum loves the roller coaster so we went on it and I opened my eyes for the first time on the roller coaster because I was always too scared to open my eyes that is why I opened my eye.Finally the ride stopped and I got out of the roller coaster and went on a different ride which was the invader and that was AMAZING My mum did not go on it because she said it looks scary so only me my dad and my brother went on the ride.

Sooner after we went on the envater we went on another ride and that was the power surge and that was so cool.But only me my dad and my brother went on it because my mum said “IT LOOKS TOO SCARY. So she went on the log floom. And we went on more rides witch were all of them except for the fear fall and the scorpion carts.